CRSE Competencies
These 9 Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Education (CRSE) Competencies for Pennsylvania Educators include key definitions, indicators, and reflexive questions to ensure that all educators are equipped to meet the needs of all students. A full toolkit is forthcoming, and a corresponding rubric is available here.

Recruitment Toolkit
This toolkit identifies 5 strategies for recruiting high school students into teaching. Case studies that describe collaborations between Pennsylvania school districts and teacher education programs are included.

Mentorship Toolkit (working draft)
Mentorship is an essential strategy for any recruitment or retention initiative. This toolkit provides background on the essential elements of mentorship and case studies from Pennsylvania programs that support the mentorship of potential future teachers as well as pre-service and in-service teachers of color.

Retention Toolkit
Checklists and tables in this toolkit guide school and district leaders through assessment of the policies and practices within their buildings that impact the willingness of teachers of color to stay in the classroom and the profession.

PEDC & Teach Plus ARP / ESSER Spending Guide
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) have the unprecedented opportunity to utilize federal funds to make investments for the future health and vibrancy of teaching and learning. PEDC encourages all LEAs to invest in efforts to recruit, mentor, develop, support, and retain teachers of color and culturally relevant and sustaining educators. This guide offers practical suggestions for investments in all areas and detail opportunities for Grow Your Own, Residency, Para to Teacher, scholarship, loan forgiveness, and other innovative programs.
Data Sources and Reports
Unpacking the Pennsylvania Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Education Competencies
Teach Plus, July 2023
Penn State Center for Evaluation and Education Policy Analysis, April 2023
School Principal Race, Teacher Racial Diversity, and Student Achievement
Journal of Human Resources, March 2023
Pennsylvania Department of Education RFA for the Dual Credit Grant 2022-2024
Pennsylvania Department of Education, February 2023
Fact Sheet: Diversity & Inclusion Activities Under Title VI
United States Department of Education, February 2023
#PANeedsTeachers: Addressing Pennsylvania’s Teacher Shortage Crisis Through Systemic Solutions
Teach Plus and the National Center on Education & the Economy, February 2023
Pennsylvania Department of Education CRSE Competencies
Pennsylvania Department of Education, November 2022
Pennsylvania Educator Workforce Strategy
Pennsylvania Department of Education, July 2022
Preparing Culturally-Affirming Educators: Teach Plus Pennsylvania Teacher Leaders
on Integrating the Culturally Relevant & Sustaining Education into
Pennsylvania Teacher Preparation Programs
Teach Plus Pennsylvania, June 2022
The Need for More Teachers of Color
Research For Action, April 2022
To Be Who We Are: Black Teachers on Creating Affirming School Cultures
Teach Plus and The Center for Black Educator Development
Diversifying the Teaching Profession: How to Recruit and Retain Teachers of Color Learning Policy Institute
Patching the Leaky Pipeline: Teacher Diversity in Pennsylvania from 2013-2014
Research For Action
Teacher Diversity & Equity Policy Scan
The Education Trust